Sunday, March 25, 2012

Say bye to illness

The highest cause of disease is lacking vitamins and minerals are mostly found in vegetables and fresh fruit. And one way to meet the deficiency is to use herbal therapies.
Herbal therapy, herbal medicine, botanical medicine or phytomedicine, whatever you call it, is the treatment by consuming foods from plants.
There are many ways to get Herbal therapy, from simple way to very complex.
We can also easily get herbal therapy in stores. They are sold as tablets, extracts, teas, powder, or dried plants. But we also must remember that there are side effects of therapy in some herbal products.
If you anxious and confused choose the best herbal therapy, why don't you try it yourself, a simple way to get fresh beverage and healthy, easy, and guaranteed safe.
Why juiced, why we do not eat fruits and vegetables directly
Because it requires a longer time to digest the whole fruit or vegetable.
Juice quickly and efficiently, within a few minutes after consumption can be absorbed by our body
Juices can eliminate hunger urge (by allowing fluid to flow through the tongue, spots of the tongue taste satisfy without the need for foods high in sugar, salt or fat)
The enzyme allows our body to metabolize the food that we eat. But enzymes are very sensitive to temperature, so that when we cook vegetables, the enzyme was less active, and we just got a little nutrient.
Juice doesn't automatically make your health problems solved. However, this beverage will refresh you in a hot day, and help your body with a diversity of benefits, In this way we improve our health

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