Sunday, March 25, 2012

a valuable lessons

Money can buy medicine, but no matter how much wealth we have, will never be able to buy health.
Health is a treasure. Choose what?
Rich but not healthy, or healthy but not wealthy?
well... I prefer rich, healthy and happy, lol
Here I want to share an experience  how precious health, and in fact... without health we won't be happy.
December 2009 my mom found a lump the size of golf balls on the left chest (not breasts), we were thinking just a blain. When my mom went to see the doctor, the doctor said that my mom must be surgery to remove the lump, the doctor also found another lump in right breast, but smaller.
On January 2010 my mom had surgery, to determine the type of illness the lump was taken to the laboratory.
We were really shocked when we heard the result, cancer stage 4, how come? mom never complained at all, never felt something painful, didn't even notice a lump on his body, until December 2009.
Like most people with cancer, my mom also had to get chemotherapy. Because of chemotherapy mom had no appetite, hair loss, and dull skin. I really can't bear to see my mom at the time.
Mom before sick

few hours after first surgery
smiling in the pain

after several times chemotherapy, getting skinny and almost bald
But I'm grateful that I have a wonderful family. I am the oldest child, I have two younger sisters, we support each other, and take care of mom together.
Honestly, we were afraid of losing our mom ... but we believe in God, we always pray hand in hand asked His mercy for mom healing.
God is so awesome...He sent helpers, our friends who always encouraged us, the church people who prayed day and night, good doctors and nurses, and also our whole family.
On August 2010 mom had her second surgery, she had to give up her breast taken.
After the second surgery, I think the treatment just taking medication, but it turns out she still have to get radiation to kill cancer cells, and it requires 25 times the radiation, routine, should not be absent. Because if she miss once, she has to start all over again.
Chemotherapy and radiation are the hardest part of treatment, drain all her strength.
Praise God that mom always has strong faith, she keep declaring words of God, and keep positive thinking.

although still undergoing chemotherapy, does not prevent the mother to travel by train and wearing a wig

after second surgery

keep smiling
Although mom was sick, she keep doing her activities as usual, keep serving the Lord at church (she is a choir trainer), and even keep cooking for us until now.
And she didn't want us to treat her as a sick people, she didn't want to stay in bed all the time, she wanted to do what she can do, she always did normally, like a healthy people. Well..
We didn't want to make mom sad, so we didn't stop her.
At the age of 73 years old, mom didn't seem like a sick people; even she got a very quick recovery. It made the doctors amazed. So the doctor asked her to witness how she was through her hard times to encourage other sick people at hospital.
Sometimes mom visits sick people in hospital, or just tells them when they meet in doctor's room. Wherever and whenever mom always tells about 6 points that she always did during she was sick,
  1.  Surrender and trust in God
  2.  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dried the bones.  (Proverbs 17:22), So just be happy.
  3.  Do not think negative: no fear, no worry, no self-pity, no complains, no grumble.
  4.   Do not pamper the disease, act as a healthy people, don't stay in bed all the time, do all you can do.
  5.  Declare that you are not sick, encourage yourself by saying positive words, feed your mind with words of God, and Praise Him for He is your healer
  6.  Consume healthy food. Healthy food not always expensive, healthy food contain the nutrients for our body needs.

A year passed, we were so happy that mom has been cancer free, But the trial is yet to completed. When mom got general check-up on October 2011, doctors discovered something was wrong in mom's womb; there is a myoma which needed to have surgery. But mom was busy preparing Christmas at church, so it was agreed that mom should be operating again on January 2012.
Although not as heavy as the first surgery and the myoma was not a severe disease, but anxiety still gripping us. We worry if there are cancer cells in mom's womb, That's why doctors took mom's womb too, well.. She does not need it anyway.
Thank God the surgery went smoothly, and within 3 days mom allowed to back home.
Now, mom really healthy, more active at church, and the more excited encourage sick people around us.
For 3 years our family struggled, not just a matter of mom's disease, but also financial issues for mom's treatment.
If not for divine intervention, we would never get through it. Fear, anxiety, confusion is our daily menu.
But many of our lessons learned, experience teaches us more prudent in filling life.
We are grateful to have many friends and relatives who were support us. Whether it is
financial support, suggestion and prayer.
We got many suggestions, there were ridiculous suggestions and contrary to our faith, so we ignored. But we also received many good suggestions and make sense.
My uncle (mom's brother) suggested mom about herbs
therapies, consume fruit and vegetable  to accelerate the healing process and recovery. My uncle's wife wife is a doctor, she gave us the recipes. There are some herbs therapies that we did, and it proved.
Since that time I tried to find more information about herbal therapies, I search on the
Internet, newspapers, magazines, and to the bookstore. Because we want to start a healthy life, we wish my mom's experience won't happen in our family again. And I am interested in herbal therapy, besides cheap, easily, available, also healthy. To herbal therapy, we usually consume the fruits and vegetables juiced, since juice is more effective and efficient, we'll get more nutrients than by eating it.
And absolutely, fresh and delicious...hmmmmm
Well…Herbal therapy is not an instant way to cure disease, but may reduce, inhibit the spread of disease and also prevent the disease attacked the body.
Wait for my next post, don't forget to always keep your health, and be happy

God bless you...

Mom now, healed, healthy and happy (no wig anymore)


  1. .... Wow,,, what a story sis... amazing... Praise God !!! I am so happy now as well for mom... Spent much time praying for her in this time... I thank You Jesus and the Mercy and Grace of OUR God and Father...Happy Life Mom !!! We All Love YOU !!!

  2. Your So Welcome My Dear Artista.... Hugs and Kissess..
