Tuesday, March 27, 2012

more about fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are not only good to eat, but fruit and vegetables also contain many substances that extremely good for our bodies.
In addition to vitamins, minerals and fiber, fruits and vegetables also contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are natural chemicals found in fruits and vegetables, which is only produced by plants. In one type of plant can contain tens or even hundreds of phytochemicals, substances that are beneficial to health. Eat more fruits and vegetables will increase your intake of phytochemicals that nourish your body. Phytochemicals are also providing distinctive color and aroma of fruit or vegetables.
To help you choose a fruit or vegetable is appropriate and suitable to our needs, we need to recognize what the phytochemicals contained in each fruit or vegetable.

Carotenoids is one of the pigments in fruits and vegetables that have an important role in the color. Carotenoids are useful to prevent a heart attack, stroke, blindness, some forms of cancer and slow aging.
Carotenoids found in: carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, avocados, papaya.

Beta Carotene is one of the antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables that works to fight free radicals substances derived from toxic substances. Enhance the immune cells and protect the eyes from UV rays.
Beta carotene found in yellow fruits and vegetables such as mango, papaya, carrots, squash, potatoes, Peach, sweet, and also in green vegetables

Lycopene is an antioxidant that can fight free radicals that interfere with normal activity and growth of body cells. These free radicals can potentially carry the disease of cancer, Hatu disease and premature aging.
High intake of lycopene may reduce the risk of cancer, especially cancer prostate, skin cancer, stomach, esophagus and colon, works to prevent heart attacks, protects skin from UV rays, by lowering bad cholesterol in the blood. Powerful antioxidants to reduce damage to DNA and protein body
Lycopene is found in fruits and vegetables like tomato, red peppers, watermelons and carrots, beets, red cabbage, red grapes, guava, papaya

Lutein is pigmentation yellow and green on a variety of foods. Together with the constituent half zeaxantin carotenoids in the retina of the eye. Absorbs blue light which harm the body. Protect the eyes from degeneration and cataracts. And may play a role in the fight against colon cancer.
Sources of lutein found in spinach, lettuce, kiwi and broccoli. parslei, avocados, broccoli, peppers, cabbage, corn

Zeaxanthin: Together with the carotenoids lutein is the only species in the macula of the eye. This prevents degeneration molecular zeaxanthin, cataracts and cancer. Absorbs blue light which harm the body
Zeaxanthin found in corn and spinach.

Flavonoids are antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that attack the cells of our bodies. Free radicals can cause cancer, heart disease and premature aging. 
Flavonoids found in grapefruit, kiwi, apples, red grapes, broccoli, onions prey, radish and tea

Resveratrol prevents heart disease, cancer, blood clots and stroke. 
Resveratrol found in red grapes 
Quersetin: rich in bioflavonoids which can reduce the inflammation caused by allergies, inhibit the growth of cancer in the head, neck and protect the lungs from the effects of pollutants.
Quersetin found in apples, pears, lettuce, broccoli, green tea and red wine, tomato, red onion.

Hesperidin may protect against heart attacks. 
Hesperidin can be found in citrus fruit group.

Tangeritin: Tangeritin methoxy flavone compounds that have potential as anticancer, can prevent cancer in the head and neck. 
Tangeritin found in citrus fruits.

Anthocyanins: the pigments which can cause color red, blue and purple on the fruit or vegetable. Anthocyanins are known to treat various malignancies, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks, blood clots and even strokes.
Anthocyanin found in strawberries, kiwi and plum, purple sweet potatoes., Mulberry, grape, red cabbage, red radish, onion, eggplant, and banana

Phenol: the chemical compounds that have anti-aging and antioxidant components. 
Phenol found in: oranges, tomatoes, pepper, tea, and purple sweet potatoes.

Sulforafan function to prevent the risk of colon cancer.
Sulforafan crucifera found in vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and pakchoy.

Elagic acid: in addition to decreasing the risk of contracting heart disease, prevent blood clotting process. Also be able to fight and prevent cancer cell growth. 
Found in strawberry, purple grapes, blackberries, plums, purple cabbage, and eggplant purple.

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