Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Benefits of Soursop for Health and Beauty

Soursop (Annona muricata L.) is a plant originating from the Caribbean islands, the United States. This plant can grow almost everywhere.
Soursop Tree
Soursop Fruit

The plant is mainly taken the fruit, to be consumed both in fresh and processed form such as Dodol soursop , soursop syrup.

Homemade Syrup soursop
But who would have thought it soursop leaves can be used to treat various types of diseases, such as to treat diabetes, cancer and gout. Almost all parts of the plant can be used as an herbal remedy.
Soursop leaves contain chemical compounds that are beneficial to the human body, among other acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin. This compound is efficacious for treating various kinds of diseases and boost immunity. Even soursop leaves 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy in treating cancer. Can you believe it?
Well ... It has been proved Based on research conducted by scientists. Around 1965, various scientific studies prove that the soursop leaves have better efficacy than chemotherapy, even the extracts can slow the growth of cancer. The National Cancer Institute has conducted a scientific study whose results stated that the stems and leaves of the soursop effective to attack and destroy cancer cells in the body. This happens because of the very high proactive compounds in soursop leaves for our bodies. The compound is a compound that is rare / hard to find in other plants.
Of the few studies that have been conducted by the scientists, it was found that various properties of soursop leaves.

Preventing and Curing Cancer
Prevent and cure breast cancer, prostate, lung, pancreas
Able to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria
Helps inhibit gene mutation
Helps inhibit virus growth
Helps inhibit parasite growth
Help inhibit tumor growth
Helps muscle merileksasi
As an anti-seizure medications
Helps relieve pain
Treat gout
Able to suppress inflammation
Lowering blood sugar levels
lowering fever
Lowering high blood pressure
strengthens nerves
Helps nourish the heart
Help increase milk production in the pregnant
Helps dilate blood vessels
Kill worms parasait
reduce stress
Strengthen digestion and increases appetite
anti aging
treat a boil

how to make soursop leaf extract? It's easy ....
Clean approximately 10 leaves fresh soursop with mineral water. Soursop leaves boiled with 2 cups of water, wait until the volume stayed one glass. Then drink twice a day every morning and afternoon on a regular basis
Extract of Soursop leaves
How to Treat Wounds with Soursop Leaf (boils, blisters, etc.)
wash 2-5  Soursop Leaf, then mash until smooth, or it could be blended. After that stick to the wound badly or the boils
Amazing isn't it? For those of you who have family members who suffer from cancer, soursop leaf therapy may be a solution. Try to regularly consume soursop leaves boiled water ....

In addition to the leaves, we can also consume fruit directly or juiced
Soursop fruit is soft spiny. White flesh is soft and fibrous texture. Soursop fruit is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health. Because the texture is soft, the fruit is often consumed as soursop fruit juice. Here are some benefits of soursop fruit juice drink.
Soursop Juice

1. Strengthen the Immune System
Soursop contains high levels of vitamin C which helps boost immunity.
2. Prevent Cancer
Soursop contains phytochemicals called acetogenin which has anti-cancer properties.
3. Prevent Constipation
Soursop contains dietary fiber (dietary fiber) are useful to help digestion and prevent constipation.
4. Prevent Osteoporosis
Soursop containing copper minerals (copper) and calcium, which are crucial to maintain bone density to prevent osteoporosis.
5. Prevent Migraine
Soursop contains riboflavin, which according to some studies may prevent migraine (migraine).
6. Prevent Anemia
One cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Soursop contains iron that help you meet the needs iron to prevent anemia.
7. Increasing levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
HDL (high density lipoprotein) helps prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessel walls. Soursop contains niacin can increase HDL levels in blood

God Bless You

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