Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Juice Blends To Try At Home

Children are fussy eaters who often complained of problems parents. Even mothers often become depressed and stress, concerns about the adequacy of nutrition her baby. Many parents think juice is an easy way to meet the needs of the child. However, it is now difficult to choose between pure fruit juice and the juice was given too much sugar. Besides the bottled juice contain many additional substances that are harmful to children.
Then why not try it yourself at home?
Juicing has become quite popular these days, and for very good reasons. It’s an obviously great way to incorporate a nice handful of servings of fruits and vegetables into daily diet. With a little mindful combining of fruits and veggies, we can really give what it needs in just a few minutes at home.
Some kids are normally picky with the fruits or vegetables that they eat, or your kids may not like all the fruits and vegetables. Because of this, they can end up missing some very important nutrients that are needed by the body. In order to prevent this, the
best solution would be juicing. Vegetable or fruit juices taste a lot better than eating these fruits and vegetables whole. Juicing is fun, colorful, healthy, great teaching tool and it’s exciting to try, your kids can easily drink, so they can get the vitamins that should be taken from fruits and vegetables in an easier and more comfortable way. Vegetable juices or fruit juices contain almost the same amounts of
nutrients that are found in raw vegetables or juices. With two glasses of juices that your kids can consume in a day, they will get all the vitamins and minerals they need daily. Thus, they will be energetic and dynamic all day and  will protect them against seasonal diseases.
If you have a picky one on your hands, then start with fruits firsts,  so that they trust what comes out of the juicer and slowly add in the veggies. Eventually they’ll get that natural craving to snack on the raw fruits and vegetables just as much as drinking them.
Before juicing, the best juice results it is recommended to: 
  1. Use organic fruits and vegetables for juicing whenever possible. 
  2. Wash all juice ingredients well, including organic fruits and vegetables. 
  3. Always drink juice immediately because it is at its peak when it is fresh. The longer it sits, the more the vitamins begin to lose their potency, juices can spoil easily. Ideally within a few minutes and before three hours, for health and safety reasons store juice in refrigerator
  4. Start off with small amounts of juice and dilute with water if needed.
Fruit juice is an alternative to increase intake of fruits and vegetables every day. But juices can also be bad for the children, if taken in excess, fruit juice can damage teeth and cause obesity.
There are some things you can do to mitigate the effects of acidic fruit juice.
  1. Drink the juice quickly
  2. Drink water immediately . 
  3. The consumption of foods containing calcium to neutralize the acid, such as cheese
Have a Happy Juicing

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