Sunday, April 8, 2012

all about Banana (part II)

Part II...?
You might ask, where the first part?
well ... I posted the first part on my other blog
My Art Work
I share about the benefits of banana trees and their parts, indeed, almost all parts of the banana tree we can use. Banana flower, banana leaf, midrib of banana leaf, sap of banana,  and even the dried banana stems  can still be utilized.
And in this second part  I will share about the benefits of bananas for our health.

  1. Energy sources: Bananas can easily digest. This fruit contains three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose. Sugars found in bananas turned into a great source of energy quickly, and that's good in the formation of the body, to the working muscle, and very good for relieving fatigue
  2.  Neutralize stomach acid: If you have high stomach acid, can be counteracted by eating bananas are mixed with liquid milk. Bananas also neutralize the excess acidity and reduces irritation by coating the surface of the hull.
  3. Constipation: Do not panic with constipation whack you. Begin eating a banana every day. Because the fiber content in bananas can help defecate normally, helping to overcome constipation without laxatives.
  4. Anemia: Bananas are also rich in iron which can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood so that it can help people who are anemic. Two bananas are eaten by people with anemia every day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) high. For people with
    gout should not eat bananas in excess because of the high iron content.
  5. Hypertension: Blood Pressure high? This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium, yet low in salt content, this makes it a perfect food to counteract the blood pressure.
  6. Improve concentration and brain intelligence: high calcium content in bananas also helps improve the ability to concentrate because of its function to make us more comfortable and not feel tired easily when reading.
  7. Depression: banana contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body is converted into serotonin - which can make us relax, and improve our mood. Besides potassium content, which is an important mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain, and regulate water balance in the body. When we are stressed, then our metabolism will increase, thereby reducing the level of potassium. However, this can be balanced again by eating bananas.
  8. Smoking: Bananas also help people who intend to stop smoking, because the content of vitamin C, A1, B6, B12 was high, as well as potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal
  9. Mosquito bites: Before using anti-mosquito cream, try rubbing the bitten part using the inside of a banana peel. Many people feel amazed at the properties to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  10. Skin burned: Banana leaves can be used for the treatment of burned skin in a way dioles, plus a banana leaf ash mixture of coconut oil has the effect of cooling the skin.
  11. Beauty: Banana pulp mixed with a little milk and honey, is applied to the face on a regular basis every day for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water then rinse with cold water or ice, repeated for 15 days, will produce a stunning effect on the skin.
    I hope this article useful, and you be blessed

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