Friday, April 27, 2012

The Power Juicing

Before you open that half gallon of orange juice or that bottle of cranberry juice this morning, you need to know this.

Many companies marketed juices to children in an attempt to steer them away from the ever-growing soda market. 
Parents certainly bought into it! The companies labeled these drinks as "juicy" and "natural.
"Sounds great, doesn't it?
These juices are actually made from fruit concentrates -- not whole fruit juices.

Now they may be made from the best quality concentrates, but they're only as good as the liquids used to reconstitute them. 
And there's the problem....
These juices are diluted with ordinary tap water, complete with all the chemical resins that this type of water contains. 
If the companies don't use tap water, their alternative is well water from their factory property located in industrially zoned regions.  Does that sound
wholesome to you?

For me, the Power Juicing option is looking better and better.

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